01 Nov Poll: 84% of Americans “See the Light” and Want Longer Days
As the nation prepares itself for the plunge into the dark evenings of “Standard Time,” a national poll was taken to see if Daylight Saving Time (DST) still makes sense in a modern society.
When is it happening?
Daylight Saving Time occurs the first weekend of November, when it’s time for “Fall Back.” On early Sunday morning at 2 a.m. (and to some people it feels like Saturday night), the clocks will be turned back to 1 a.m. This is going to make everyone’s evenings a lot darker.
So, we decided to see how the nation felt about that.
Sentiment is Strong
We assumed that most people would prefer having more sun and longer evenings. What was surprising, however, was just how strong this sentiment was.
The poll of 1,147 adults—which had a margin of error of 4 percent—was conducted across the U.S. Sunday Oct. 29 through Tuesday Oct. 31.
When Daylight Saving Time (DST) provides more light in the evenings through later sunsets, 84% of respondents stated “I like this”. On a more granular level, 65 percent of respondents stated that they “Very Strongly Agree” or “Strongly Agree” that it’s preferable to have more daylight in the evening. Only 16 percent of respondents were against the idea of later evenings, preferring earlier mornings instead.
Actual Respondent Comments
As a part of the poll, respondents were asked to provide comments about why they were “In Favor” or “Against” the process of DST. Here is a sampling of their comments:
I like having sun in the late evening during the winter. You can do more things in the winter after you get off work.
Mental health purposes! The fact that it gets dark earlier is hell on my depression.
This an old and unnecessary thing. Even changing the time slightly messes with people's internal clocks. For some people it can take weeks to adjust. We are not farmers, don't need the early daylight and subsequent early sunset
I think changing the time is an outdated thing. It’s confusing and a pain and makes me get off my schedule
It is so dark in the winter and having an extra hour in the day would make people happier.
I am in favor Daylight Saving Time. Energy is saved with DST. The evening hours are pushed and therefore people can enjoy longer days. There are also less accidents since it is harder to drive in the dark.
I grew up in a country where we don't have to change the time. I am still not used to this and it just confuses everyone every time it needs to be changed.
As I see it, I prefer Daylight Saving Time because I don't like it to get dark so early in the winter. I do favor Daylight Savings as a final time.
Against all the changing twice a year. It is no longer needed on so many levels. Some states and counties do not change and it's awful to vacation there and keep switching. Enough already! Stick with one and let it stay lighter later!!
Daylight Saving Time should be stopped. We live in a world of 24-hour social and economic activity that spans global time zones. It serves no purpose in this day and age.
Saves us more time for family time.
Reduced outdoor time along with more dangerous driving conditions. It is already winter with snow on the ground, and now we are in darkness driving home from work.
A Mandate?
Are comments like these and an 84 percent approval a mandate for change? It certainly looks that way.
Pros and Cons
So, should we abolish this practice of changing the clocks twice a year? There are not many pros, but there are a lot of cons, which have been supported by researchers across the country.
Ending the process of DST and sticking with one later time all year has the following benefits:
The Movement is Happening
Because the concept of changing the clocks hasn’t really delivered on its promise, and because it comes with a host of unintended consequences, there has been a growing movement to put an end to it.
If you’d like to join the movement, Sign the Petition now, and be sure to follow us on Facebook and encourage people to get involved.
Melba Barrick
Posted at 09:23h, 02 NovemberLeave the time as it is now.
I hate the Fall Back time !!